R. A. Sanford
Committed to the pursuit of academic excellence at the elementary, secondary, and post secondary levels.
100% of our students demonstrate academic improvement within six weeks
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Parent/Student Comments
Administrator Comments
“I was referred to R.A. Sanford by a former co-worker. My son worked with him to prepare for the ACT after he initially took the test and did not receive his desired score. When they initially started working they would meet in person twice a week. After we were hit with the pandemic R.A. Sanford was able to transition to virtual sessions while maintaining the same level of quality and effectiveness. He tailors his approach to the needs of each student. My son was able to increase his score by 7 points after working with R.A. Sanford. I would highly recommend him for any of your tutoring needs. ”
--Mr. Nauden, parent of 11th grader (10-17-2020)
“My son received tutoring for pre calculus and ACT prep with rasanford. He was great! He took the time to connect with my son on a personal level, was always encouraging, and displayed professionalism. My son had a C- in pre calculus when I contacted him, but he ended the school year with an A. He also went up 4 points on his composite ACT score. I highly recommend the tutoring services."
--Ms. Carter, parent of 11th grader (7-21-2017)
"I was referred to R.A. by a family member whose child received ACT prep to increase her scores. My daughter worked with R.A. for a total of four months to prepare for the ACT in July of 2018. When she initially took the test during April of 2018, she scored an overall of 22. After working with R.A., my daughter took the test in that July, she increased by four (4) points going up to a 26 composite. She increased in every category on the test. She took the ACT one final time during the Fall of 2018, and went up another point, to a 27. We were very pleased with her progress, and how she improved each time on the ACT. I highly recommend R.A. because of the individualized curriculum that was set up to meet the my daughter's needs, as well as, the level of professionalism and flexibility that was shown to my daughter."
— Ms. Barnes, parent of 11th grader (02-12-19)
“North Lawndale College Prep (NLCP) is a coed, public charter high school with two campuses that serve ~ 750 students in grades 9-12 on Chicago’s west side. NLCP exists to create a better future by developing and empowering transformational leaders. We do this by equipping students from a largely underserved community with the academic skills and the personal resilience necessary for college graduation. During the 2017-18 school year, some of our juniors had the opportunity to engage with Rashad Sanford for small group tutoring in math for students at both campuses. He was provided with a data set on student strengths and needs and devised an effective strategy to develop/strengthen critical skills that bolstered their performance on the SAT through a short term intervention. Students met with Mr. Sanford after school, twice weekly, where he leveraged an immediate rapport to engage students and move the needle quickly. Students adored Mr. Sanford and eagerly sought out his after school sessions. They expressed a level of connection with his tutoring/instruction that they believed was missing in their day to day instruction.
In the end, our overall growth the SAT, particularly in math, spoke volumes. Our schools both leveled up on CPS’ School Quality Rating Policy (SQRP), and our points in one year SAT growth quadrupled (from 1 point to 4 points—5 max points available). Prior to the school year he impacted, SAT math growth was below the 20th percentile. While our growth was reflective of a number of efforts, I can say with confidence that Mr. Sanford’s work contributed meaningfully to improving our school’s performance at a critical time. Moreover, we now consider his work a part of our arsenal and plan to grow and include his program in our work this year and in years to come.
Christiana Campus
Math SAT Growth 83rd percentile
Collins Campus
Math SAT Growth 83rd percentile
--Dr. Garland L. Thomas-McDavid, President, North Lawndale College Prep (9-01-2018)
“Math was something my son exceled in until he got to high school. All of a sudden, his grades dropped further and further down. We tried extra help from the teacher as well as peer tutoring, but nothing seemed to work. Within the first week, I noticed a difference in my son's attitude and within two weeks, I saw a difference in his grades. They've been going up ever since.”
— Robert, parent of 9th grader